
The request has succeeded and has led to the creation of a resource.


  1. The request has been fulfilled and has resulted in one or more new resources being created.
  2. The primary resource created by the request is identified by either a Location header field in the response or, if no Location field is received, by the effective request URI.
  3. The 201 Created response payload typically describes and links to the resource(s) created. Refer to the Validator Header Fields link below for a discussion of the meaning and purpose of validator header fields, such as ETag and Last-Modified, in a 201 Created response.


The HTTP 201 Created success status response code indicates that the request has succeeded and has led to the creation of a resource. The new resource, or a description and link to the new resource, is effectively created before the response is sent back and the newly created items are returned in the body of the message, located at either the URL of the request, or at the URL in the value of the Location header.

The common use case of this status code is as the result of a POST request.


Further Reading


201 Created | The HTTP Working Group

201 Created

MDN Web Docs

Validator Header Fields

Fielding | Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)

Location header

MDN Web Docs

POST method

MDN web docs