
Nope, the server isn't let you have that.


  1. The server understood the request but refuses to authorize it.
  2. A server that wishes to make public why the request has been forbidden can describe that reason in the response payload (if any).
  3. If authentication credentials were provided in the request, the server considers them insufficient to grant access.
  4. The client should not automatically repeat the request with the same credentials.
  5. The client may repeat the request with new or different credentials. However, a request might be forbidden for reasons unrelated to the credentials.
  6. An origin server that wishes to "hide" the current existence of a forbidden target resource may instead respond with a status code of 404 Not Found.


The 403 Forbidden response status code indicates that the server understands the request but refuses to authorize it.

This status is similar to 401, but for the 403 Forbidden status code, re-authenticating makes no difference. The access is tied to the application logic, such as insufficient rights to a resource.


Further Reading


403 Forbidden | The HTTP Working Group

403 Forbidden

MDN web docs