
The connection's unused and will be closed.


  1. The server did not receive a complete request message within the time that it was prepared to wait.
  2. A server should send the "close" connection option in the response, since 408 implies that the server has decided to close the connection rather than continue waiting.
  3. If the client has an outstanding request in transit, the client may repeat that request on a new connection.



Some servers merely shut down the connection without sending this message.

The 408 Request Timeout response status code means that the server would like to shut down this unused connection. It is sent on an idle connection by some servers, even without any previous request by the client.

A server should send the "close" Connection header field in the response, since 408 implies that the server has decided to close the connection rather than continue waiting.

This response is used much more since some browsers, like Chrome, Firefox 27+, and IE9, use HTTP pre-connection mechanisms to speed up surfing.

Further Reading


408 Request Timeout | The HTTP Working Group

408 Request Timeout

MDN web docs

Connection header field

MDN web docs

X-DNS-Prefetch-Control header field

MDN web docs